My Lovely Brother

Created by Trudi one month ago

Rob touched the lives of so many, with his kindness and generosity. He was an incredible dad to his five children, a devoted husband, honorary grandad and a loving son and brother. He relished the times spent with his children and they brought him the greatest pride and happiness. 

Rob was selfless and thoughtful, and always put the needs of others before his own. He was loyal to his friends, and they were very important to him throughout his life. Even though as siblings we were so very different at times, we had the same moral compass, respect and deep love for our family in common. I thought the world of my brother, and being two years younger than me I always tried my best to look after him, right to the end. He was my best friend, and our bond only deepened through the years. I’ve never known a kinder, more honest and trustworthy man. I cant believe he's gone so soon, and we will all struggle enormously without him. 

Rob often had a funny story to tell about his cheeky behaviour as a child. He wasn’t a Saint, but it was clear to all that he didn’t have a bad bone in his body, so with his impish smile he got away with it. I was very proud of him and all he’d achieved through his life. I just wish he’d had less stress, and more time to relax and enjoy the rewards of his hard work. It’s true to say that the world was a nicer, happier place with Rob in it, he had a heart of gold and we’ve each lost a large part of ourselves along with him. 

His legacy of love and kindness will live on in his children, and so many happy, funny memories will remain in the hearts of his family and friends. We will miss him beyond words, but always remember him with love and laughter. 
Luv you bruv xx

