Too Many Adventures to List

Created by Alistair 25 days ago

Rob was never short of energy, self belief or generosity. I have so many memories of adventures and misadventures we shared together, from a very eventful "day" trip to Paris along with Trudi and friend that lasted for two days and went via Belgium and included striking fishermen and medical procedures, a near disaster at sea in a speed boat, rebuilding a Mini engine and driving round Boxmoor no front on the car, appearing together as extras on a TV show with Nicky Campbell, and many many trips to a bowling alley in Dunstable, where we went by our handles of HobNob and Woody for reasons best left. There was never a dull moment, and always the likelihood of something memorable happening. 

When I was thinking of my memories of Rob though, it was his generosity I remembered. When I was living in my first house after leaving home, it had no mains gas supply and we had to have gas cylinders delivered. With it being our first home, we were so short of cash at the time that sometimes we couldn't afford to buy any and even ran out on a couple of occasions. I remember Rob asking me where we bought our gas from as he needed some for a canal boat I think. At Christmas his card to us had a cheque inside made out to the gas supplier for the cost of the replacement gas. Such a kind a thoughtful thing to do, and a complete surprise. Very Rob.

Very sadly I won't be able to attend his funeral because of work, but will be thinking of him on Wednesday and his family, of whom I have the fondest memories, on this hardest of days.

He was that greatest of things: a one off.

(Alistair Peck)